Home » Dr. Nussbaum’s Recommended Reading List

Dr. Nussbaum’s Recommended Reading List

Here is an evolving list of my favorite books that you might find interesting.

The Scalpel and the Soul (A. Hamilton 2009) TarcherPerigee

Inside the Brain (R. Kotulak 1997). Andrews McMeel Publishing

Magic Trees of the Mind (M. Diamond 1999). Plume

Fingerprints of God (B. Haggerty 2009). Penguin

Buddha’s Brain (R. Hanson and R. Mendius 2014). Brilliance Audio

Brain Health and Wellness (P. Nussbaum 2003) Word Association Publishers

Save Your Brain (P. Nussbaum 2010) McGraw Hill

What is the Purpose of My Brain: Spiritual Healing and Salvation (P. Nussbaum 2016) Word Association Publishers

Spooky Action at a Distance (G. Musser 2-15) Scientific American

The Big Picture (S. Carroll 2016) Dutton

The Bible

Aging With Grace (D. Snowdon 2001) Bantam

The Longevity Project (H. S. Friedman and L. R. Martin 2011) Hudson Street Press

How God Changes Your Brain (A. Newberg and M. R. Waldman, 2009). Ballantine Books.

Quantum Change (W. Miller, 2001) The Guilford Press

The Science of God (G. Schroeder, 1997). Simon and Schuster

The Varieties of Religious Experience (William James, 2019). Compass Circle

My Heart will Triumph (Mirjana Soldo, 2016). Catholic Shop

The Good Life (R. Waldinger and M. Schulz, 2023). Simon and Schuster

The Cruise Control Diet (Jorge Cruise, 2019). Ballantine Books

The Neuroscience of Human Relationships 2nd edition (L. Cozolino, 2014). Norton

Imagine the God of Heaven (John Burke) 2023 Tyndale

Imagine Heaven (John Burke) 2015 Baker Books

The Science of God (Gerald Schroeder) 1997 Free Press

Touching Heaven (Dr. Chauncey Crandall)2015 Faith Words

7 Lessons from Heaven (Mary C. Neal, M.D.) 2017 Convergent